I became aware of Mountain Dew on family trips to visit mother's best friend Dorothy, resident of Ft. Myers, FL. who will be the first FFT09 host this summer. In her garage, was my favourite fridge. Lovingly stocked and tended to by her husband William, this fridge was home to, in my memory at least, every single drink known to man. Bill's drink of choice in the evenings was Mountain Dew and white rum. I was never offered any rum, but the Mountain Dew captivated my little soul.
These days i'll grab a Mountain Dew whenever the opportunity presents itself, which is not very often. Sometimes a quirky store somewhere will stock a few cans. At least twice in high school, a few friends and I would chip in and get a case delivered. When mother makes the odd trip to Boston for business, my only request is that she brings home a small bottle of Mountain Dew: Code Red, a cherry flavoured Mountain Dew, which I find goes down particularly well with Southern Comfort.
This summer, I plan on making myself physically sick on this Nectar of the Gods. Here I present the nine Mountain Dew varieties we at FFT09 are most excited about pouring down our gullets.
9- Mountain Dew
Your bog-standard, garden-variety Mountain Dew. A wholly unnatural shade of green, packed with high fructose corn syrup and 'yellow 5' (AKA tartrazine lol) , you know what you get with plain ol' Mountain Dew.
8- Mountain Dew Throwback
This earns the number 8 spot above regular MD simply because it has yet to be sampled. Introduced this year, Throwback uses the old-skool classic MD logo, replaces the HFCS with regular sugar, and leaves out the orange juice. Very exciting, an MD can with the logo to match my Mountain Dew t shirt.
Tied 7- Mountain Dew Game Fuel Horde Red and Mountain Dew Game Fuel Alliance Blue
Hm. Unsure here. Two 'World Of Warcraft' promotional MDs. I'm unsure mainly because of the WoW connection, because we have absolutely no time for this shit, unless it's youtube videos of people trashing 'real life' WoW funerals*, or LEEEEEROYYYYYY JENKINNNNNNS. Nonetheless, they can't be written off, with either a 'cherry-citrus' flavor, or wild berry. And in keeping with the dorky-as-fuck lifestyle of WoW users, it's jam-packed with caffeine. Could come in useful. I especially like the truly evil shade of blue of the wild berry.
5- Mountain Dew Livewire
Mountain Dew Livewire is a tough one for me personally. I'm naturally drawn to it, because it's the orange variety of MD, and I love orange juice in all it's varieties. However deep down in my heart I know that whenever i'm stumping for an orange soda, i'm picking Minute Maid Orange Soda every time, because that truly is what God intended to be made when he invented, y'know, fizz. So Livewire makes a slightly disappointing 5th place, but that isn't to suggest i'm not totally stoked about supping the good stuff again.
4- Mountain Dew Voltage
Now we're talking! Here is where our chart gets interesting... Voltage is the winner of last year's 'People's Dew' contest, DEWmocracy. It was made an official full time member of the crew in December, after beating out stiff competition from Supernova (strawberry, melon, lime and ginseng) and Revolution (wild berry with ginseng). Voltage is Raspberry Citrus and ginseng flavour. The people of America get two thumbs up for this decision, because we all know that raspberry is one of the best flavors for anything. I'm really excited I get to sample this bad boy. Go Voltage!
3- Mountain Dew: Code Red
Ah Code Red, how I adore you. It's cherry flavor, and although like I said raspberry is one of the best flavors, CHERRY IS KING. Cherry is mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Code Red is solid gold, it really is, and may well be my drink of choice for my Last Meal. Really, truly delicious, and like I said, a great mixer for an alcoholic yum yum.
2- Mountain Dew Baja Blast
Holy Cat things are getting exciting at the top! When creating Baja Blast it seems the Mountain Dew flavor makers climbed inside my brain, asked what exact recipe i'd desire most from an MD on my long hot drives across the desert this summer, and pumped it out. Tropical Lime and Pineapple flavored Mountain Dew. Can you think of anything which could even come close to this in terms of tastebud sensation and thirst-quenching power? Because I absolutely cannot.
One catch. And I cannot believe this catch. It's only available at Taco FREAKING Bell. WHAT?! I guess i'll be eating a lot more tacos with Lava Sauce than I planned to this summer. The things we men must endure...
So yes, without further ado...
1- Mountain Dew Cherry Rush
I have to apologize here guys, I cannot, depsite my mad hacking skillz, find a picture of MD Cherry Rush. I assume because like Baja Blast, it's only available at one goddamned fast food outlet, in this instance, Wienerschnitzel, which turns out to be focused on the art of fast hot dogs. Add this one onto the list of fast food outlets to be visited this summer, because I simply HAVE to get my greasy paws onto a supersize Cherry Rush. Apparently, not content with the incredible Code Red, the wonderful American people demanded a new Mountain Dew with even more cherry taste. I'll be honest, i'll have to see it before I truly believe it, but if it does indeed exist, boy oh boy, game on, etc. etc. A more heavily cherry flavored Mountain Dew. If that isn't worthy of the top spot, then nothing is.
I promise to document each Mountain Dew experience this summer extensively. Wearing my Mountain Dew t shirt if possible.
Until next time...
* stick WoW funeral into youtube and laugh for a long time, then feel guilty by association.
This is so exciting. Also, on my two-night stay in Chicago a few years ago, I popped to a small supermarket and bought what I believed my body required and the vast majority of that was Mountain Dew, having not had any since I was much smaller, like yourself.
ReplyDelete(The rest of it was beef jerky, exotic candy and SPIN magazine if I recall correctly)
Mountain Dew is great. Baja Blast is brilliant. Taco Bell is godly.
ReplyDeletecool my uncle has been 3 times and im goin this summer and he said to try mountin dew is it nice?