Saturday, 4 July 2009

Morning in Alabama

Just a quick one before we head off for downtown Mobile, then New Orleans.

We're staying out here at Tillman's Corner in a Motel 6. It's standard fare, the room is pretty good for the price, all is fine.

But goddamn is there some strange people hanging around. At about 1AM last night I discovered the police officer who was literally patrolling the motel. First he kicked the two 16 year olds in bikinis out of the pool (unnecessary yeah?) then he came upstairs and sorted out the 12 yr old kid who was hanging around, shooting me funny looks whenever I spoke not like him. We chatted a little. He had the cutest little dog. Apparently he calls it 'Cocaine.' But say it in a drawl.

The car next to ours in the parking lot has a MASSIVE watermelon sitting in the front seat.

Louisiana is next. Louisiana is totally going to be worse.

HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY FROM THE FFT09 BOYS! This is gonna be a good day.


  1. Oh boy, I cannot wait for watermelon.

  2. If you see an alien, call Will Smith. Just sayin'.

  3. I hope at this moment in time you are embracing the anything-goes culture of New Orleans.
